Professional Development
Posts about Professional Development (2)
Qualification & Discovery
Building a Profitable Sales Process - Qualify the Opportunity
Here's a radical idea - let's have your sales team qualify opportunities before you prepare a...Sales Techniques
Building a Profitable Sales Process - Know Your Target
The first step in building a profitable sales process is to decide where to focus the prospecting...Sales Techniques
Four Ideas to Shorten Your Sales Cycles and Keep Things on Track
One of the more common frustrations I hear when talking with Presidents, CEOs and Business Owners...Prospecting
Are Your Boring Sales Meetings Driving Growth and Change?
How effective are your sales managers at running a good sales meeting? How engaged are your top...Professional Development
Creating a Culture of Accountability for Your Sales Team
Are your sales managers doing everything they can to create a culture of accountability for your...Sales Hiring
What is the Most Important Step in the Sales Hiring Process?
The most important step in the sales hiring process is not writing the perfect ad so you attract...Sales Techniques
Is Selling More Difficult Today?
If you’re like many of the CEOs, Business Owners and Presidents we work with, one of your key...Sales Hiring
Free Sales Seminar - The Ultimate Sales Call
There are only a few seats remaining for our upcoming free seminar, "The Ultimate Sales Call, Five...Sales Hiring
Harvard Study Explains Why Sales People Talk Too Much
An article in today's Wall Street Journal caught my eye, "Science Reveals Why We Brag So Much." It...Qualification & Discovery
Top 5 Mistakes Your VP of Sales Makes at Trade Shows
If you are the person who signs the checks (the President, CEO or business owner) for all of the...Sales Hiring
Sales Leap Every Year!
What would your revenue look like if your sales team had one extra day to sell every year? This...Sales Techniques
Sales Vision - Gap Between What Is/hat Could Be
Here's another excellent Ted Talk with an important lesson for your sales team. In this 18-minute...Qualification & Discovery
Sales Focus - The $2,000 Cup of Coffee
My friend and client Bob Scherer took an exercise I had given to his sales team one step further...Sales Process
Focus on Sales Activity
I enjoyed reading another great post by Anthony Iannarino last week, The Case for Activity Goals...Sales Hiring
The 10 Keys to an Effective Sales Hiring Process
Our friend and mentor Dave Kurlan - a top-rated speaker, best-selling author, sales thought leader...Qualification & Discovery
Effective Sales Listening
The first thing a sales person needs to do to listen more effectively is to stop talking. We've all...Sales Hiring
Growing Your Sales Team On Purpose
Change is inevitable. Growth is intentional.Sales Techniques
Sales Winners and Sales Losers
Top producing sales people understand that every sales win - just like every sales loss - is...Qualification & Discovery
Are You Selling Price or Building the Case for Value?
Many sales people struggle with how to handle pricing objections because they fail to build the...Qualification & Discovery
Customer 2.0 - Death of Your Sales Team?
When Dave Kurlan spoke to a group of Milwaukee CEO's a few weeks ago, one of the key points many...Sales Hiring
Building An Over-Achieving Sales Team - Relentless Prospecting
As a general rule I tell our sales force development clients that a new sales person should spend...Sales Hiring
Building An Over-Achieving Sales Team - Outlook & Attitude
Take a moment to write down the last time you made a major purchase from someone you didn't like....Qualification & Discovery
Sales Advice From Mr. Spock - Use Emotion Not Logic
Sales people who use logic to convince their prospects make selling a lot harder than it needs to...Sales Hiring
Building An Over-Achieving Sales Team - Responsibility
Your ability to build an over-achieving sales team at your company is directly proportional to the...Sales Hiring
Building An Over-Achieving Sales Team - Commitment
How committed is your sales team? Are they willing to go the extra mile? Will they do whatever it...Prospecting
Increase Sales By Focusing Your Prospecting Efforts
When a sales person is struggling one of the first questions we ask is "how many people are on your...Prospecting
Sales Systems and Super Bowl Champions
What a great Super Bowl game last night! As a lifelong Green Bay Packers fan it was especially...Sales Hiring
Building An Over-Achieving Sales Team - Passion for Sales
With so many business issues and challenges beyond your control, Presidents, CEOs, and business...Sales Hiring
Building An Over-Achieving Sales Team
When it comes to growing your company, the list of business issues and challenges you cannot...Prospecting
Does Your Attitude Support Sales?
"Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines...Sales Hiring
Will Increasing Sales Increase Company Value?
What is your company worth? If you wanted to sell your company in 2011, what could you reasonably...Sales Techniques
Talk Less to Increase Sales
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal looked at which NFL announcers are the chattiest. They...Sales Hiring
Proven Sales Growth Strategy for 2011
Hiring superior sales people is a proven sales strategy that can put your company on an entirely...Prospecting
Cold Call Strategies – How to Overcome Your Sales Call Reluctance
Believe it or not, there are sales people who absolutely thrive on making cold calls. But for most...Professional Development
Sales Accountability Plan for 2011
In working with sales professionals for the past 21 years – as a business consultant and sales...Prospecting
Year End Sales Focus – Mad Dash or Building Relationships?
Is your sales manager frantic this week or relaxed? Is your sales team focused on a final year-end...Qualification & Discovery
Keeping Your Sales Role Balanced
Do you remember the last time you closed a big deal? Or maybe you closed two or three in a row, on...Sales Hiring
Optimizing Your Strategic Alignment for Massive Growth in 2011
Ensuring your sales force is aligned with your strategies is imperative for massive growth. Start...Sales Hiring
Optimizing Your Sales Management for Massive Growth in 2011
Your sales management team is critical to massive growth within your company. Now is the time to...Sales Hiring
Optimize Your Sales Force by Mapping Your Sales Process
A clear sales process is key to optimizing your sales force in 2011. By mapping your sales process...Sales Hiring
Optimizing your Sales Team for 2011
When optimizing your salesforce you must first look at your team to ensure that you have the right...Sales Hiring
How Much Should We Budget for Sales Training?
If you’re on a calendar year your VP of Sales is probably in the initial research phase of...Professional Development
CEO Views on Sales
According to a recent study by SpencerStuart, the most common path executives take before becoming...Professional Development
Catch Them Being Good
My wife is a pre-school teacher and is always taking classes and reading articles on early...Sales Hiring
Keep It Simple
I'm currently reading Switch by Chip Heath and Dan Heath, a best-selling business book looking at...Sales Techniques
Cold Calling all Brian's and Kevin's
Yesterday, in celebration of St. Patrick's Day, my new sales person sorted his prospect list to...Professional Development